Make your ADB dimmers UP2DATE and ready for the future!
Pino Solutions developed a true direct 230 Volt EASY SWITCH by output upgrade for different types of ADB dimmers. It will extend your ADB dimmers' lifetime with many more years of reliable service.
Now every channel can provide fixed power to moving lights, LEDpars, equipment with buit-in transformers like boosters or audio amplifiers, active speakers and single phase motors.
- Upgrade to EASY SWITCH DIM/230V on every channel.
- Durable, safe and stand alone system.
- Coloured touch display for quick access. 3 display sizes available.
- Built in/mounted or remote.
- Available control for ADB Eurorack 60 or max. 10 Euroracks.
- Available control for ADB Memorack 180 .
- Available for all type of ADB dimmers 380/220 and software versions.
- Individual Eurodim, TwinTech and Dimostat module conversion.
- Sustainable solution: reducing waste and saving resources.
- Options: custom made presets, control via RDM, IOS and OSC.
- Exclusively installed by Roadtech Services.
Contact us for more information!